Monday, May 17, 2010

Chapter 3

I left the theater numb. HE had chosen a freaky movie that felt exactly the same as my dream. It scared the heck out of me. Once I got home, I realized that mom wasn't home so I decided to watch some happy TV to get me through the night. As I turned the lights on in the living room, I started. THere on the couch, smiling, was the old man again. I watched as he slowly faded. As he faded I heard a rapping on the window. I tunred.
THere. Briefly outside my window sat a litle boy. Just like when I walked down the hallway. He smiled sadistically, and disappeared. A Note sat fluttering in the wind where he had been.
I opened the window grabbed the note. I opened it and it read as so: Sam I Am? Beilive me, the suffering has just begun.
I laughed. Probably some prank. Oddly my laugh was a nervous one.
I heard footsteps coming up the steps.
I tunred and watched as the door know slowly turned.
The creak of its turn made my heart beat faster and faster and faster and faster untli I felt as if it would beat itself to my grave. The door creaked open.
I stood frozen by fear and curiosity. My mind wandered: Curiousity kille dthe cat but he died satisfied.
KInd of how I felt right now inall honesty.
Then mom stepped through the door. I quickly changed my appearence to a happy one.
" HEy honey, ho was the movie?"
I breathed in and said, " Fine."
She nodded I could tell she was annoyed and tired.

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