Saturday, May 15, 2010

Chapter 2 pt. 3

I ran down the stairs and turned ecery light in the house on. As I went into the living room a I saw a ghostly old man sitting on thje couch smiling. Red bloodish stuff was gurgling out of his mouth as he bagane to laugh.
I screamed-
I heard slamming-
The doors and windows were slamming-
Sam I Am? Sam...
I woke up.

My mom was sitting by me, stroking my hair calming me.
I stuttered, " Sam...SamI am?"
What did you say hoiney?"
" Sam...SamI Am?"
My mom stood suddenly. I llooked up at her, confused.
" Sam Irene are you okay?"
" I-I-I'm finbe i think, " I said as I woke from my daze, "Just a nightmare. Yeah, just a nightmare."
My mom looked at me unnervingly.
" Sam, get ready for school." That was that.

" HEy Sam!" I ignored him. Him was Leroy Tyron the most obnoxious kid in school who also though he was my friend. ME?
" Hey!" I sighed. Here goes another tlk with good ol' Tyron. God, why did these things happen to me?
I turned-
I jumped-
HE had decided that being right in my face was the best thing to do.
" Dammit, Tyron dont you ever think about, maybe, being a little less startling in your appearences!"
He looked at me sheepishly. I could tell he was sad that I had yelled at him.
" Tyron...Sorry for yelling. What do you want?"
" mom wants to take me to see a movie and I want to bring a maybe you know......come with me....maybe?"
I thought.
" What movie?"
" I dont know yet Sam."
" Sure why not?"
He smiled with joy.
REALLY?!" he spuealed.
I shushed him, " Yes really just dont go telling the whole world please."
" K...uh I will call my mom to tell her your coming. Meet me at the theater around....6ish."
" See ya. " I said as I walked away.
I could feel hi smile on my back.

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