Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chapter 1

The man strode into the room. The old man lay on the ouch dying, shallow breathing emanating from his body. As the murdere dre near the old man moaned something.
The murdere grinned sadisticallly, " What was that?"
The old man mumbled again this time the murderer drew near, " I said your family will be cursed with the memory of my death forever and my family will make your family suffer while you live in this place." Then he died.
The murderer whose name was Jack Irene stood swaying. Something about the way the old man said those words made him uneasy, very.
He shook his head-
The wind blew-
He removed his hat and stood defiantly-
The wind slammed through the house again-
The door slammed shut-
Ending his tale.


The Irene family lived on in the house for the next ten years. Every other year someone seemed to disappear. Only one family truly endured and that was the gradners family.

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