Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chapter 2

Note the reast of the story will be told from 1st person.

I stragled up the stairs in the school hallway. Normally i would be excited but today just was'nt one of those days. The school hallways glistened with new cleanliness. My mind was nwandering as the teacher spoke on the exciting world of protozoa and cells. My mind wandered continuallly...

...." Why the hell did you do that Sam?" screamed my mom, after she found out that I had broken the window. She never swore so I knew she was mad if she decided to now....
......My mind wandered back into the classroom, I was listening but not really caring about anything the teacher said. She had an obnoxious habit of talking on a certain subject for an hour and us students not really learing what was necassary. THe bell rang. My heart filled with dread-
I left the classroom in a daze-
A daze caused by the fact that we were moving today.
We were moving into the house my grandfather had lived. Well, my great-grandfather.
Supposedly he had stolen it.
The sun beat down upon my face, blinding me in a glorious radiance that seemed to quelch all my fears and build them all at once.
I hated life. Life nevr went the way I wanted it to, thus my life suffered. At least I would still be able to go to school here.
I hoped.

We drove up the long and winding road to the house. The road reminded me of one of those horror movies where everyone walks down this creepy road to an abandoned house. The hosue came out of nowhere from a hill behind a hill. It looked like your normal old musty house that had rotted there for ages. This would be great. Spend trhe summer rebuilding a dead hosue that sat there like a fat, old lazy person.
I got out of the car and walked up the creaking front porch steps.
Mom said, " Honey, can you get the bags?"
I did so with an unusual gladness filling me. I was hesitant to enter this house. It firghtened me. Extremily.

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