Friday, May 14, 2010

Chapter 2 pt. 2

I walked in the front door and stopped. THere before me was a long hallway. I walked down it when suddenly whisper came from nowhere and everywhere. Sam.....Sam I am? Sam? Sammie I ammie?
I freaked out. When suddenly someone whispered, Hello. I turned teir at the other end of this hallway was a little boy in overalls.
I backed away-
he moved forward-
I backed away-
His hand opened as if he wanted to greet me-
His mouth made formless shapes-
I screamed-
His hand was covered in red-
His face began to fall off-
Chun by chunk-
Oh God!
I screamed again.
My mo came running through the little boy who faded like a vapor and disappeared.
My mom grabbed me and started shouting and crying, "Sam! Sam wake up!"
But i couldn't wake up, nor could I move. I was shaking. Shaking. What had just happened?

When i woke again I found myselff on a cot in what would become my room. I was still afraid. Shaking.
Sam.......Sam.....Sam I Am?

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