Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chapter 3 pt. 2

My mo wandered to bed as did I. Nothing happened for a week 'cept school.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Chapter 3

I left the theater numb. HE had chosen a freaky movie that felt exactly the same as my dream. It scared the heck out of me. Once I got home, I realized that mom wasn't home so I decided to watch some happy TV to get me through the night. As I turned the lights on in the living room, I started. THere on the couch, smiling, was the old man again. I watched as he slowly faded. As he faded I heard a rapping on the window. I tunred.
THere. Briefly outside my window sat a litle boy. Just like when I walked down the hallway. He smiled sadistically, and disappeared. A Note sat fluttering in the wind where he had been.
I opened the window grabbed the note. I opened it and it read as so: Sam I Am? Beilive me, the suffering has just begun.
I laughed. Probably some prank. Oddly my laugh was a nervous one.
I heard footsteps coming up the steps.
I tunred and watched as the door know slowly turned.
The creak of its turn made my heart beat faster and faster and faster and faster untli I felt as if it would beat itself to my grave. The door creaked open.
I stood frozen by fear and curiosity. My mind wandered: Curiousity kille dthe cat but he died satisfied.
KInd of how I felt right now inall honesty.
Then mom stepped through the door. I quickly changed my appearence to a happy one.
" HEy honey, ho was the movie?"
I breathed in and said, " Fine."
She nodded I could tell she was annoyed and tired.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Chapter 2 pt. 3

I ran down the stairs and turned ecery light in the house on. As I went into the living room a I saw a ghostly old man sitting on thje couch smiling. Red bloodish stuff was gurgling out of his mouth as he bagane to laugh.
I screamed-
I heard slamming-
The doors and windows were slamming-
Sam I Am? Sam...
I woke up.

My mom was sitting by me, stroking my hair calming me.
I stuttered, " Sam...SamI am?"
What did you say hoiney?"
" Sam...SamI Am?"
My mom stood suddenly. I llooked up at her, confused.
" Sam Irene are you okay?"
" I-I-I'm finbe i think, " I said as I woke from my daze, "Just a nightmare. Yeah, just a nightmare."
My mom looked at me unnervingly.
" Sam, get ready for school." That was that.

" HEy Sam!" I ignored him. Him was Leroy Tyron the most obnoxious kid in school who also though he was my friend. ME?
" Hey!" I sighed. Here goes another tlk with good ol' Tyron. God, why did these things happen to me?
I turned-
I jumped-
HE had decided that being right in my face was the best thing to do.
" Dammit, Tyron dont you ever think about, maybe, being a little less startling in your appearences!"
He looked at me sheepishly. I could tell he was sad that I had yelled at him.
" Tyron...Sorry for yelling. What do you want?"
" mom wants to take me to see a movie and I want to bring a maybe you know......come with me....maybe?"
I thought.
" What movie?"
" I dont know yet Sam."
" Sure why not?"
He smiled with joy.
REALLY?!" he spuealed.
I shushed him, " Yes really just dont go telling the whole world please."
" K...uh I will call my mom to tell her your coming. Meet me at the theater around....6ish."
" See ya. " I said as I walked away.
I could feel hi smile on my back.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Chapter 2 pt. 2

I walked in the front door and stopped. THere before me was a long hallway. I walked down it when suddenly whisper came from nowhere and everywhere. Sam.....Sam I am? Sam? Sammie I ammie?
I freaked out. When suddenly someone whispered, Hello. I turned teir at the other end of this hallway was a little boy in overalls.
I backed away-
he moved forward-
I backed away-
His hand opened as if he wanted to greet me-
His mouth made formless shapes-
I screamed-
His hand was covered in red-
His face began to fall off-
Chun by chunk-
Oh God!
I screamed again.
My mo came running through the little boy who faded like a vapor and disappeared.
My mom grabbed me and started shouting and crying, "Sam! Sam wake up!"
But i couldn't wake up, nor could I move. I was shaking. Shaking. What had just happened?

When i woke again I found myselff on a cot in what would become my room. I was still afraid. Shaking.
Sam.......Sam.....Sam I Am?

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chapter 2

Note the reast of the story will be told from 1st person.

I stragled up the stairs in the school hallway. Normally i would be excited but today just was'nt one of those days. The school hallways glistened with new cleanliness. My mind was nwandering as the teacher spoke on the exciting world of protozoa and cells. My mind wandered continuallly...

...." Why the hell did you do that Sam?" screamed my mom, after she found out that I had broken the window. She never swore so I knew she was mad if she decided to now....
......My mind wandered back into the classroom, I was listening but not really caring about anything the teacher said. She had an obnoxious habit of talking on a certain subject for an hour and us students not really learing what was necassary. THe bell rang. My heart filled with dread-
I left the classroom in a daze-
A daze caused by the fact that we were moving today.
We were moving into the house my grandfather had lived. Well, my great-grandfather.
Supposedly he had stolen it.
The sun beat down upon my face, blinding me in a glorious radiance that seemed to quelch all my fears and build them all at once.
I hated life. Life nevr went the way I wanted it to, thus my life suffered. At least I would still be able to go to school here.
I hoped.

We drove up the long and winding road to the house. The road reminded me of one of those horror movies where everyone walks down this creepy road to an abandoned house. The hosue came out of nowhere from a hill behind a hill. It looked like your normal old musty house that had rotted there for ages. This would be great. Spend trhe summer rebuilding a dead hosue that sat there like a fat, old lazy person.
I got out of the car and walked up the creaking front porch steps.
Mom said, " Honey, can you get the bags?"
I did so with an unusual gladness filling me. I was hesitant to enter this house. It firghtened me. Extremily.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Chapter 1

The man strode into the room. The old man lay on the ouch dying, shallow breathing emanating from his body. As the murdere dre near the old man moaned something.
The murdere grinned sadisticallly, " What was that?"
The old man mumbled again this time the murderer drew near, " I said your family will be cursed with the memory of my death forever and my family will make your family suffer while you live in this place." Then he died.
The murderer whose name was Jack Irene stood swaying. Something about the way the old man said those words made him uneasy, very.
He shook his head-
The wind blew-
He removed his hat and stood defiantly-
The wind slammed through the house again-
The door slammed shut-
Ending his tale.


The Irene family lived on in the house for the next ten years. Every other year someone seemed to disappear. Only one family truly endured and that was the gradners family.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Intro- The Opening

The door creaked. Its hinges rusted from age, and rain, and use. The door held many deep and marvelous stories. Stories ingrained by time, and patience. But something was wrong with the door at this moment. The way it creaked, told the owner of the house something was amiss. Something terrible. The door creaked to its full width, and in stepped a shadow, a mere figment of your mind, or so the thing seemed.
Haunting creaks came from all around, from the closet, from the basement. The cupboards slammed closed, with the the wind. Then he stepped through the door.
He had a look about him, that scared you to look at.
A look that this owner would never forget. Never.
He held a pistol at his side, a cigar in his mouth. The fain glow of the cigar gave, his face a creepy look. He raised the pistol towards the old man on the couch.
The man's eyes flashed open-
The pistol drew a bead on the man-
Then the pistol carrier spoke. A gravvely voice came thropugh the pounding wind.
" James Freeman, you will leave this here place. Now!"
The old man looked shocked. Who was this man to tell him what to do?
" No sir," ca,e the quavering reply, " I willl not leave my home."
" As you wish James."
The pistol let fly the lead it held in its iron stomach.
The man on the couch gasped-
A brief spurt of red-
And it was over.